Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Exercise Week 10 - Exercise

You have been hired by a fashion consultant to help solve an argument between a social morality group and the Ginch Gonch marketing department. The morality group feels Ginch Gonch should not be allowed to have a billboard of their new advertisement next to a major freeway and 100 yards from a high school. However, the marketing team at Ginch Gonch feels they are within their rights to market their products anywhere they want. Your job is to discuss the pros and cons of each side and make a decision on what should happen.

I think depending on the location of the ads it wouldn’t really matter if Ginch Gonch had their ads up or not. Like here in Las Vegas, we have ads saying you could stay another night if you “auditioned” for an adult film making company. One of their billboards that they have by the 215 and Silverado Ranch says “We love a trimmed bush, Stay an extra night,” or something along those lines. Raunchy right? If they were to put up a billboard here in town nobody would even notice because we already have so many explicit ads and billboards around that it’s no big thing to us. If it were to be in a more rural town then yeah of course there is going to be issues, plus I don’t think that’s where their market is anyways.

Not putting up a billboard by a high school is understandable because teenagers these days are already exposed to so many explicit things, this would just enrage parents more than ever. I think if they were to come to a marketing compromise it would be OK. If they were to put up a less provocative billboard by the freeways or high schools, it could be a win-win on both ends.

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